Sunday, November 13, 2005

Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?

Brigham Young University, Physics Professor, Steven E. Jones writes: "Concluding remarks in the FEMA report on the WTC 7 collapse lend support to my arguments: The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse ["official theory"] remain unknown at this time. Although the total diesel fuel on the premises contained massive potential energy, the best hypothesis [fire/damage-caused collapse] has only a low probability of occurrence. Further research, investigation, and analyses are needed to resolve this issue. . . .

"None of the government-funded studies have provided serious analyses of the explosive demolition hypothesis at all. Until the above steps are taken, the case for accusing ill-trained Muslims of causing all the destruction on 9-11-01 is far from compelling. It just does not add up. . . .

"I have presented ample evidence for the explosive-demolition hypothesis, which is testable and falsifiable and yet has not been seriously considered in any of the studies funded by the US government.

". . . the notion that the “explosive demolition” hypothesis should not be debated since it would imply a “conspiracy theory” departs from good science as well as from numerous historical precedents of empirical conspiracies (Jones, 2005). Scientific inquiry is not or should not be dictated by politics (Mooney, 2005)."

1 comment:

Moderator said...

Look for this 9,000-word article that Prof. Jones says will be published in the book "The Hidden History of 9/11," by Elsevier. Draft available at